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本公司碳吉機電是一間專業於松下Panasonic motor及Driver 的公司,我們有完整的產品線,於業界中特規品及停產品,我們都能提供相關產品。 產品有松下Panasonic 馬達及驅動器&三菱Mitsubishi J2S系列新品,特規品及停產品等多項資源。 我們也有經驗豐富的維修人員(10年經驗) ,提供高效率高品質的售後服務! 若有任何三菱Mitsubishi及松下Panasonic的馬達及驅動器型號找不到,歡迎詢問本網站! E-mail:johnson168520@gmail.com johnson168520@turnon.url.tw(大陸地區請用此信箱) TangJi electronics is a professional company in Panasonic AC motor and AC Driver. We have a complete production line, especially for special regulations Products or discontinued products. Otherwise, we also provide Mitsubishi J2S Series of new products. If there is any type of Mitsubishi and Panasonic Motor /drive model could not be found, please feel free to visit our website and inquiry for us. We will try our best to provide good solution to you. E-mail:johnson168520@gmail.com johnson168520@turnon.url.tw(China area)
 市內電話: 0958251605 行動電話: 0958251605 聯繫郵件: johnson168520@gmail.com 聯繫地址: 文平區文平路207號4樓之二 台南市 台灣 708